Note: we are not making any new investments in Tech Capital II
Tech Capital Partners Inc.
8 Erb Street West
Waterloo, Ontario N2L 1S7
Main Phone: 519-883-8255
Fax: 519-883-1265
Andrew Abouchar
[email protected]
[email protected]
For Administrative Inquiries:
Siewyee Sai
[email protected]
Note: we are not making any new investments in Tech Capital II
Tech Capital Partners Inc.
8 Erb Street West
Waterloo, Ontario N2L 1S7
There are a number of options for parking. The easiest option is to park in the North East corner of the parking lot for Waterloo Town Square (the mall on the South West corner of King and Erb) and cross Erb Street to the Tech Capital Partners office. Our office is located on the second floor of the building.